5 Ways a Design System Will Improve Your Team’s Entire Workflow.

StorybookJS is a powerful development tool that will improve your team’s ability to test changes, communicate with design, write better code, document and discover components, and much more.

Matthew Weeks
2 min readJan 10, 2022


Here are just some of the ways that a very basic design system built with StorybookJS can improve your development and design workflow:

Designers and developers develop a common language:

Designing and developing an app is complex. Communication is critical.

If we don’t develop a common language to describe things, design and development can fail to understand one another. When adding components to our design system we name each component. This is a perfect opportunity for developers and designers to agree on a name. When designing pages, both can point to a component and name it.

Testing and reviewing components is easier:

Once a developer implements a component, design review is often required.

In the past, you might have sent a screenshot back and forth in Jira tickets. With a Storybook design system, you…

